Wholesale Tankards

We sell a wide range of Tankards at low wholesale prices. View our full range here
Wholesale Tankards Versus Other Glass Drink Containers
Wholesale tankards are sought by many business for a number of different purposes. One such industry that relies on being able to bulk buy glass pint glasses at a reasonable price is the hospitality industry. Hotels, bars, inns, restaurants, nightclubs and pubs require a good regular flow of wholesale drinking vessels such as tankards.
While the pint is perhaps amongst the most popular glassware when it comes to such establishments, there are also other options you should consider. It can be hard to differentiate pubs from their competition due to many pubs offering the same drinks. This means it is often down to creating a different atmosphere, attracting a different clientele and creating a unique brand. Offering pints in something different than a standard pint glass can be an effective way to distinguish your establishment from others. Goblets are, of course, one option. They were the standard pint container of 18th century. Well-suited to those speciality bars that are looking to create an old-fashioned theme, but others will be looking for something a bit less medieval. This is where tankards come in. It can be a clever idea to buy a tankard wholesale to offer as a quirky alternative to the pint glasses. Offering a nice firm grip and evoking a feeling of traditional pubs, the tankard can be a fun, classic way to serve pints, which offers your customers a talking point. So, the only question remains: where do you find tankards on a wholesale level? Well, you'll often find tankards being sold wholesale alongside other related items – such as bulk buy hip flask, bottle opener and other related products.
One such provider of high quality wholesale tankards is UK Hip Flasks. Our company not only offers glassware tankards for wholesale, but also stainless steel tankards that can be laser marked with particular designs. For more on our collection, visit https://www.ukhipflasks.co.uk or contact sales@ukhipflasks.co.uk for more information.